Established Music Studio/Guitar Shop
Barrington, IL
Independent music store located in an affluent northwest suburb of Chicago. We have served area musicians and students for more than 40 years and enjoy an...
Restaurant Bar with Gaming
Lake County, IL
Restaurant Bar w/ Real Estate (Appraised at $700K!!!) for sale . Owner is not able to attend to the operations of the business, lots of potential! Currently...
Beautiful Wedding and Event Center
Lake County, IL
Beautiful facility on golf course, fully equipped, 4 banquet and party rooms, plus...
100+ Acre Northern IL Large Scale Development
Fox Lake, IL
The property is being offered as a 100+/- acre redevelopment site. Located in northern...
9+/- Ac Marina/Expansion Opportunity - TIF District
Fox Lake, IL
The property consists of six parcels that total 9+/- acres. The property is...
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