Established Great Harvest Bread Co. Franchise for Sale
Peoria, IL
A community staple since 2005, Great Harvest Bread Co. is known for its delicious, made from scratch baked goods and sandwiches. With a reputation for its...
5,000 sq.ft. Bar - Gaming
Peoria, IL
This bar is about 5000 sq. ft. and it is very nice. There is a full kitchen and it does serve food. There are limited food options near this bar/restaurant so...
High Volume Pizza - $17k Month Gaming
Peoria County, IL
This is an amazing business. This high volume pizza restaurant does about $85,000 a...
High Volume Mexocan Restaurant
Peoria, IL
This Mexican Restaurant is over 5,000 sq. ft. and is located in Central Illinois Area. ...
PreApproved Pizza and Italian Restaurant
Peoria County, IL
This business is well established with a great following. This is an outstanding to...
Beautiful Ice Cream Shoppe - Hot, Hot Price
East Peoria, IL
THIS PLACE IS A DEAL. SUPER HOT PRICE FOR $55,000. This is a beautiful ice cream...
Ice Cream & Fast Food with Building
East Peoria, IL
Small Ice Cream & Fast Food restaurant that does great business. It is walk up and...
Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza Peoria, IL - University Center!
Peoria, IL
Popular chain offering fresh, made-from-scratch pizza baked at home. Along with...
Beautiful Restaurant - High Volume
Peoria, IL
This restaurant is over 4000 sq. ft. It is well established and has been around over 30...
Graze Craze
Available Nationwide
If you’ve considered investing in a food franchise, our grazing board business could be...
Hot Bar & Restaurant - Great Gaming
Peoria, IL
This place rocks! This bar & restaurant has been around for years! The owner just...
Bar for sale with gaming income
Peoria County, IL
Bar for sale doing 370,000 sales per year . 200,000 gaming income per year . Absentee...
Busy Bar / Restaurant / High Vol. Gaming
Peoria County, IL
This restaurant & bar is over 6000 sq. ft. The building is very nice and there is a...
Nice Bar - Food $140,000 Gaming
Peoria County, IL
Profitable bar in Peoria County that is over 2500 sq. ft. Food is sold and there is a...
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