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Well Established Floral and Gift Shop in Northwest Suburbs
McHenry County, IL
This business is a great opportunity for creative entrepreneurs. Along with the floral arrangement order and delivery service, the shop offers a wide selection of...
A beautiful floral sanctuary to deliver joy to the community.
East Dundee, IL
Well established "Hometown" floral business in prime location available for sale. Listed as "One of the Best" in 2024. This beautiful 2500 ft retail space with...
Turnkey Flower Shop
Aurora, IL
Nice well-known flower shop in western suburbs on a busy street, in a small shopping...
Established Florist Shop $239,900! Includes shop, inventory, and car!
Crystal Lake, IL
Here is the opportunity to own a well-established florist business that has been serving...
"Master Florist" rated, turnkey business, automated systems and staff
DuPage County, IL
Established floral shop, 95% delivery. Weddings, Funeral, holidays, hospitals, get well,...
Floral Shop
DuPage County, IL
Opportunity blooms with this flourishing floral shop business! With a loyal customer...
REDUCED! EDIBLE Arrangements, Long-Established, PROFITABLE for sale!
DuPage County, IL
After 20 years of great sales & profits, the owner is ready to RETIRE!<br /><br />Edible...
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