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Turn Key Bakery For Sale (building for rent)
Chesterton, IN
Is taking your bakery business to a storefront location your ultimate dream, but you don't know where to start? Here is your chance to be the proud owner of a...
$160,700 Profit Established flower shop, raving reviews, growth oppty
Porter County, IN
This team of floral enthusiasts creates beautiful breathtaking moments celebrating all life's special moments. <br />Well established floral shop, upscale...
Well Established and Leading Massage & Facial Spa
Porter County, IN
Great opportunity to be part of the largest provider of therapeutic massage and skin...
$ 382,801 Seller Profit, Landscape Design Build
Porter County, IN
Upscale premier landscape and garden center in Northwest Indiana. Serving the community...
Residential heating and air company serving Porter and LaPorte Countie
Porter County, IN
8-year-old HVAC business located in Northwest Indiana with a 4.9-star Google rating and...
Interstate motel for sale
Porter County, IN
Flagged hotel property doing 850,000 room revenue . 52 rooms property . Interstate...
Valparaiso, IN Education Company for Sale $26,000
Valparaiso, IN
This is a great opportunity to take over a thriving educational service business in...
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