12 FedEx P&D Routes for Sale - Fort Wayne, IN
Become a FedEx Ground independent service provider (ISP) and gain the opportunity to enjoy excellent revenue visibility and recession resistance. The...
Commercial Kitchen Exhaust System Cleaning Company
For sale: A well-established business specializing in commercial vent, duct, and oven hood cleaning services, poised for growth within a fragmented...
Required Service, Residual Income
Fort Wayne, IN
Hood cleaning franchise for sale. Well established commercial customer base with a predetermined frequency- from annual to monthly with quarterly being the most...
High-Profit Exterior Siding Business in Fort Wayne, IN
Fort Wayne, IN
Have you ever dreamed of running a meaningful, home-based business with low overhead costs? This is your chance to get one of the top-performing territories in a...
B2B Commercial Hygiene & Sanitation Services
Fort Wayne, IN
Thriving B2B building maintenance and hygiene business. Services cater to a diverse range of public buildings, including restaurants, office buildings, and...
B2B Commercial Painting Business, Recession Resistant
Fort Wayne, IN
Own a successful, profitable business with this B2B commercial painting company, specializing exclusively in serving professionals and property owners. This niche...
Fort Wayne, IN Educational Service Business Only $29,500
Fort Wayne, IN
This is a great opportunity to take over a thriving educational service business in Fort...
Personal Transportation Company
Fort Wayne, IN
This business is growing leaps and bounds. Seventy-five percent (75%) of this business...
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