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Company Designs/Builds Precision Tooling, Dies, Fixtures & Special Mac
Introduction <br />This over 45 year old northern Indiana based Company designs, engineers, builds and manufactures precision tooling, dies, fixtures and special...
Cash Flow: $400,000
*Turnaround* Specialty Machine Shop
Located in Indiana, the Company is a machine shop that specializes in providing both metal fabrication and machining capabilities to its customers. The Company...
Cash Flow: $166,433
Metal Fastener Business
Danville, IN
Unlock the potential for growth with Scott's Fasteners, a well-established supplier of...
Profitable Custom Metal Fabrication Business with Loyal Clientele
Muncie, IN
This longstanding metal fabrication business specializes in a highly sought-after...
Precision Fabrication and Machining Company
Based in Indiana, the Company excels in crafting metal components for the bus, cargo...
Cash Flow: $1,899,597
Precision Machine Shop
The company was formed to provide quality machining for a wide variety of industrial...
Cash Flow: $385,000
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