Flagged hotel for sale
Elkhart County, IN
Flagged property doing 2.1 m room revenue . 84 rooms property . 4 years old. NO PIP. Call AJ 916-995-0783 for more information.
Flagged hotel property for sale
Elkhart County, IN
Flagged hotel property 85 rooms . Revenue 3.1 No PIP. 10 years old property . Great interstate location . Call AJ 916-995-0783 for more information
Commercial land for sale
Jasper County, IN
17 acre Commercial Subdivision ideal for truck stop which includes a $500K state of the art Waste Water Treatment Plant which provides sewage utility service to...
Flagged hotel for sale
Mishawaka, IN
Flagged hotel doing 1.4 room revenue .No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner - operator . High cash flow . Great location . Absentee owner .70 rooms . Call ...
Flagged motel for sale
Allen County, IN
Flagged motel doing 1,300,000 room revenue . No PIP . Wont last long . Perfect owner...
Interstate motel for sale
Porter County, IN
Flagged hotel property doing 850,000 room revenue . 52 rooms property . Interstate...
Own or invest in a resort with a restaurant on 50+ majestic acres
Own your own or invest in a resort tucked away in Indiana. This place has a plan for...
Flagged Hotel for sale
Elkhart County, IN
Flagged property doing 2.1 m room revenue . 84 rooms property . 4 years old NO PIP....
Independent Motel for sale
Marion County, IN
Independent Motel doing 750,000 room revenue per year . 100 % occupied and ...
Available in Indiana
We are a new concept in the $136B pet industry being the first wellness-focused...
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