Own a High-Growth Business in the Lucrative Lab Testing Industry
Indianapolis, IN
Tap into the $1.5 billion drug, alcohol, and DNA testing industry with this Fastest Labs location in Indianapolis, operating since June 2023. Generating $30,354 in...
Walk-in Urgent Care clinic in Indianapolis, Indiana
Indianapolis, IN
This is a thriving Urgent Care clinic located in Indianapolis. Primarily focused on serving the acute care needs of patients in the urgent care setting. Excellent...
IV Nutrition Business with Projected Growth
Indianapolis, IN
Step into a well-established and profitable IV nutrition clinic with a solid medical infrastructure already in place. This unique business allows you to be part of...
Specialized Senior Assistance with Broad Revenue Potential
Indianapolis, IN
This senior care business offers a comprehensive range of non-medical support services tailored to assist seniors and adults both at home and in assisted living...
Own a Compassionate Home Care Business
Indianapolis, IN
This business allows you to own and operate a company that delivers high-quality,...
Luxury Med Spa & Aesthetics Center
Indianapolis, IN
Step into a high-performing, luxury revitalization center, perfectly positioned in the...
Indianapolis Franchised Boutique Gym for Sale
Indianapolis, IN
You know the importance of being healthy. You love helping people achieve their goals....
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