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Love Huge Margins and Networking?! Established Sales Company for Sale!
This company has a fantastic business model where it sets up one day sales with repeat clients and sells anywhere from $10,000-$60,000 worth of large...
Sport uniform, screen printing and embroidery
Speciality sport uniform business. Very unique niche market. Covers a large geographical territory. In business for over 50 years and repeat business...
Multi Location Furniture/Mattress Retailer
Overland Park, KS
(The zip code listed is incorrect, there are three locations spread out among Kansas City greater area, with future zip code growth as well)<br /><br />This great...
Upscale Liquor Store -- Sales $800,000 -- Kansas City Area
Johnson County, KS
Liquor Store. Original Ownerl 6 Year Old Store. Very Attractive, Upscale Store. Excellent Traffic, Visibility, Signage and Parking. The Facility is 2650...
Price Improvement - Sales $700,000 - Nice Upscale Area
Johnson County, KS
Established Liquor Store Offered at Market Value. Priced Reduced $40,000 - Only 2.1...
OP,KS Liquor Store Revenues $400k + Total Package less than $200k
Overland Park, KS
Well established mom & pops store in great growing, thriving neighborhood! For over ten...
Profitable Vending Machine Business
Johnson County, KS
This vending machine business offers a unique opportunity for anyone looking to become...
Newer, Clean Liquor Store in Great Location PRICE REDUCED!
Johnson County, KS
Nice, newer, clean liquor store in a great area on a super busy boulevard. Store is...
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