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Long Established Bakery/Cafe for sale!
Lawrence, KS
A Lawrence tradition since 1995, we are known for high quality, scratch-made breads, which we handcraft daily using only the purest and simplest ingredients. In...
Burger Bar & Grill for Sale doing over $1,900,000 in Sales!!
Laurence, KS
Rare opportunity to own a thriving Bar and Grill for Sale!! situated in the heart of a vibrant, bustling community!! Strong sales of $1,900,000 in 2023 and...
Turnkey Restaurant & Bar For Sale with Liquor License!!
Laurence, KS
Bring all offers!! Any offer considered!! An exceptional chance awaits with this...
Legacy BBQ Restaurant for Sale $1.9MM in Sales $337,000 in profits
Laurence, KS
Calling all restauranteurs! Take a look this highly profitable Legacy BBQ Restaurant for...
Turnkey Bar & Grill for Sale with Real Estate!!
Laurence, KS
Forget building a new location. Save time and money when you purchase an existing...
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