Turnkey Restaurant & Bar For Sale with Liquor License!!
Shawnee Mission, KS
An incredible opportunity awaits with this Bar for Sale in Lenexa. Priced for a quick...
Turnkey Quick Service Fast Food Business - Bring all offers!
Kansas City, MO
If you're looking for a stable business that provides great opportunity for growth, then...
Mexican Restaurant with $1,516,510.00 in Sales with Liquor License!!
Kansas City, KS
Calling all Restaurantuers! Discover this thriving Mexican Restaurant for Sale in Kansas...
Brewery, Bar and Grill for Sale in Independence!!
Independence, MO
GREAT Brewery, Bar and Grill for Sale!! Turn-key in a great location! All of the brewing...
Turnkey Greek Restaurant for Sale!!
Kansas City, MO
Make Your Restaurant Vision a Reality: Purchase this Thriving Business and Save Time...
Profitable Turnkey Restaurant with Asian Food at a Premier Location
Jackson County, MO
Looking for an exceptional business opportunity in the food industry? Your search ends...
Popular Kansas City Thai Restaurant
Kansas City, MO
This turn-key Restaurant is an established, award-winning Thai dining destination...
Restaurant - Currently Operating, Long Time Family Owned
Kansas City, MO
330 E 135th Street in Kansas City, MO, is a prime commercial property currently listed...
Popular, Upcoming Fast-Food Franchise
Johnson County, KS
This is a unique opportunity to own a single established location of a popular upcoming...
Teriyaki Madness
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Our food is addictive and our concept is fresh!
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