Package Deal - 5 Cold Stone - Independence/Kansas City,MO + Leawood,KS
Independence, MO
Incredible opportunity to own 2 top franchises! A successful premium brand ice cream & a gourmet chocolate brand!! Cold Stone Creamery offering the best tasting,...
Charcuterie Business For Sales In Kansas City
Kansas City, MO
This is a great opportunity for a sales-minded and/or creative individual to take a full-on fun business to the next level! Always keep in mind that catering is...
Cicis Pizza Liberty, MO - Triangle Crossing In Liberty Triangle!
Liberty, MO
Offering a popular pizza buffet featuring more than 25 different pizzas. In addition to...
Cicis Pizza Franchise Roeland Park, KS - Roeland Park Shopping Center!
Roeland Park, KS
Offering a popular pizza buffet featuring more than 25 different pizzas. In addition to...
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