REDUCED PRICE - FedEx P&D For Sale: Established CSA in Kansas City
A successful and highly dense (~75 miles/day), fully overlapped FedEx Ground CSA is available for purchase in the KC Metro area. We have a very...
23 FedEx P&D Routes For Sale
Summary Overview: Business operates an average of 23 P&D routes per day. All routes are domiciled out of a single terminal in the Kansas City, MO area....
18 FedEx P&D Routes - Olathe, KS
Olathe, KS
Business Overview: • 18 FXG Commercial & Residential Pickup & Delivery routes • The...
Elite Vending Units (healthy snacks, latest tech) Passive & Lucrative
Kansas City, MO
Booming - Semi-Absentee - Healthy snacks vending machine business covering Kansas City...
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