SBA! 6 FedEx P&D Routes - Eligible with SBA financing!
Hays, KS
- SBA eligible for qualified buyers! Less than $100k to own! - Established since 18 years ago - The owner is looking to retire after 18 years in business - All...
15 FedEx P&D Routes - Kansas
Great opportunity to acquire a profitable P&D operation! › 15 P&D Routes › Full-time manager on staff to assist with the day-to-day responsibilities at the...
18 FedEx P&D Routes - Southern Kansas
Own a rural operation with a strong management team! › 18 P&D Routes › 2 Managers ›...
18 FedEx P&D Routes - Olathe, KS
Olathe, KS
Business Overview: • 18 FXG Commercial & Residential Pickup & Delivery routes • The...
4 Flowers Bread Routes - Eastern Kansas
Own a high growth bread route in a desirable area! › 4 Bread Routes › Weekly...
14 FedEx P&D Routes - Central Kansas
Own a business that comes with a full-time mechanic on staff! › 14 P&D Routes ›...
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