Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Lincoln County, NE. Showing instead
Popular, Profitable and Unique Restaurant and Sports Bar
Omaha, NE
Discover an exceptional opportunity in Omaha’s vibrant dining scene with this established restaurant specializing in food that attracts a wide variety of...
High-end cocktail lounge for sale
Lincoln, NE
Well established cocktail lounge Lincoln. Steady annual growth. Please contact for more information or a showing.
Neighborhood Watering Hole
Lancaster County, NE
A beloved local bar in Lincoln, Nebraska, offering a fantastic opportunity for aspiring bar owners or seasoned operators. Known for its warm, casual atmosphere,...
Popular Bar in Greater Downtown Area
Omaha, NE
This is a unique opportunity to acquire a thriving bar located in a vibrant, up-and-coming neighborhood known for its strong community ties and active business...
Local Bar In the Heart of Downtown Lincoln Ready For a New Owner
Lincoln, NE
Current Owners ready to retire and don't have the time to put into what this bar...
Uncle Jarrol’s, a successful BBQ restaurant and catering business
Norfolk, NE
Grab this chance to own Uncle Jarrol’s, a super successful BBQ restaurant and catering...
Popular Small Town Bar & Grill w/ Real Estate
Crete, NE
Kramer Bar & Grill in Crete, NE for sale with the building that it operates out of. ...
Multi-Location Sports Bar/Restaurant
Omaha, NE
This Multi-Location Sports Bar/Restaurant is for Sale in the Omaha Metro Area. There is...
Small Town Cheers
Johnson County, NE
Have you ever wanted to own your own version of Cheers?<br />Amazing small town...
Lean Kitchen Company
Available in Nebraska
Lean Kitchen delivers meaningful and profitable outcomes for our franchise partners by...
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