Three Unit Pizza Franchise - 9.6% Sales Growth
Baton Rouge, LA
Benchmark Business Brokers presents a 3-unit pizza franchise in and around Baton Rouge, Louisiana. These restaurants are within a 35-mile, 56-minute radius from...
Fast Food Space in Clinton, LA! Preapproved for Taco Bell or KFC!
Clinton, LA
Shutdown space next to C-Store is Preapproved for Taco Bell or KFC! The nearest Taco Bell is nearly 20 miles away and the nearest KFC is over 25 miles away! ...
Business only Option Available! Gas Station in Clinton, LA!
Clinton, LA
Seller is willing to lease the business and restaurant space for $199,000 plus inventory...
Absentee-Owned Gas Station with Property in Clinton, LA!
Clinton, LA
Asking Only $2,499,000 plus inventory! 100% Absentee-Owned gas Station with Property...
Long Standing Franchise Cookie Business For Sale
Baton Rouge, LA
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Baton Rouge presents this long standing franchise cookie...
URGENT SALE - Restaurant and Large Commercial Building
Baton Rouge, LA
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Baton Rouge presents this excellent commercial opportunity...
Local BBQ Restaurant Business For Sale in Metro Baton Rouge, LA
Livingston County, LA
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Baton Rouge presents this popular 20 year old local staple...
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