Pool Cleaning and Maintenance Biz - Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge, LA
Terrific opportunity to buy into a highly awarded franchise model in two sought after markets with current customers! We offer pool cleaning and maintenance...
Profitable and Innovative Siding Company for Sale
Baton Rouge, LA
Take the chance to buy a highly promising franchise territory in one of the quickest growing home renovation markets. As the owner, you will not be installing...
Established Roofing Company - Owner Open to Extended Transition
Baton Rouge, LA
This opportunity is an ideal situation for an entrepreneur or existing business wanting...
Modular Wall Containment: Baton Rouge Advanced Company
Baton Rouge, LA
There is virtually no local competition for this unique business. We install proprietary...
Nationally Franchised Flooring Business For Sale in South Louisiana
E Baton Rouge County, LA
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Baton Rouge presents this nationally franchised flooring...
Very Profitable Roofing Business For Sale
E Baton Rouge County, LA
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Baton Rouge presents this 30 year old roofing business for...
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