Southern Maine Restaurant
Cumberland County, ME
Available for purchase is a very well-established, fully equipped, independent Southern Maine Restaurant. Located in the heart of an affluent coastal community,...
Merriland Farms Cafe
Wells, ME
Welcome to Merriland Farm Cafe - a beloved local establishment that stands out with its exceptional features! This property presents a fantastic investment...
Large Restaurant featuring Music Venue
Portland, ME
Large restaurant and music venue, with Portlands longest bar ,38 Seats, Dining area seats 250, 4 Bars 2 upstairs...
Cafe Business For Sale
Portland, ME
Currently operating as Tally’s Kitchen. Sale does not include rights to the name. 1,000± SF space located in Stevens Square Community Center, a 50,000 SF...
Breakfast Cafe Absentee Run For Sale
York County, ME
Established breakfast-only cafe with a history of over 35 years of success. Owner...
Restaurant and Bar Including Real Estate
York County, ME
Excellent opportunity to acquire this Restaurant and Bar with 25 year history of...
Muddy Rudder Restaurant
Yarmouth, ME
Fantastic location along the Cousins River in Yarmouth Maine. Very highly rated...
Highly Profitable Seasonal Restaurant Steps from the Ocean with RE
York County, ME
Steps from the Ocean this Restaurant has a 35+ year history of success! Feel the ocean...
Cash Flow: $970,712
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