Long standing community Sports Bar & Grill
Laurel, MD
The Bank Shot Bar and Grill is an established and long standing 12,000 square foot...
Absentee, High Volume Restaur & Bar CASH FLOWS$130,129 PLUS!!!!!!
Anne Arundel County, MD
Owner Absentee, SBA Prequalified, Growing Niche Business, Srong Growth...
Tavern/Pub near Annapolis, MD
Edgewater, MD
• Newly renovated Tavern close to Annapolis, MD. • This family friendly restaurant has...
Very Profitable Bar Tavern Pool SBA Qualified
Crofton, MD
Established turn key Bar Tavern pool hall. Same owner and location for 27 years and is...
Restaurant & Bar near Annapolis, MD
Anne Arundel County, MD
Hi volume restaurant located near Annapolis in Anne Arundel County, MD. The Restaurant...
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