Turnkey bar and grill with full liquor license
Baltimore, MD
Established bar and grill with full liquor license, seats 78 includes all equipment. Owner financing available with reasonable down payment ***PLEASE DO NOT COME...
Established Bar/Tavern with Income Producing Property
Baltimore, MD
Don't miss out on this well known local Bar/Tavern/Restaurant. Immaculately finished interior. Same owner's for over 30 years who are looking to retire and travel....
PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED! Established Sushi Fusion Restaurant & Bar
Baltimore, MD
Highly rated sushi and Asian fusion restaurant, located on the waterfront Lighthouse...
Liquor Store with Property, Bar and Kitchen
Baltimore, MD
**The seller does not want to go thru lengthy lending process therefore buyers need to...
See more results when you broaden your search from Baltimore to Anne Arundel County.
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