Gas Station, C-Store and Car wash for Sale
Charles County, MD
Great Business Opportunity, Gas Station with Convenience Store and car wash. It is located on a major traffic street. Inventory is not included in the asking...
Specialty Truck Accessories and Installation Company for Sale
Charles County, MD
Excellent opportunity to own a recognized leading retailer of custom aftermarket truck, jeep, SUV, and van accessories in the Mid-Atlantic region. The business...
Budget Blinds Franchise in Waldorf Maryland
Saint Charles, MD
SBA Pre-Qualified! A rare opportunity to purchase a national Budget Blinds franchise in Waldorf Maryland - without all of the initial startup costs and concerns....
Low rent Asian carryout
Indian Head, MD
The Chinese carryout has been there for more than 11 years. Stable customer groups, stable income, and very low rent costs. Easy to be changed to different concepts.
Sushi restaurant with Korean foods
Waldorf, MD
Most sales come from take-out and delivery services, with deliveries handled by DoorDash...
Established Metal Fabrication Business / Industrial Manufacturer
Waldorf, MD
30+ Year-old Metal Fabrication, machining, and laser-cutting company has a solid...
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