Specialty Retail Opportunity in Historic Frederick Maryland
Successful specialty retailer in historic downtown Frederick, Maryland looking to sell. Desirable location opened in 2004 just as downtown Frederick...
Own established Gift Shop in Historic Frederick Maryland
Business Description Well established gift shop in destination tourist area with multiple revenue streams Successful specialty retailer in historic...
UNDER CONTRACT! Very Profitable Semi Absentee Beauty Supply Store!
Frederick County, MD
UNDER CONTRACT! This Fully Staffed, Semi Absentee, Profitable Beauty Supply is situated...
Profitable Bridal Shop for Sale: Established & Beloved
Frederick County, MD
This bridal shop, a jewel in the wedding industry, is renowned for its profitability and...
Nationally Recognized Hobby Retail Chain Franchise in Frederick, MD
Frederick, MD
A well-recognized and sought-after hobby and toy store chain established in 1985, with...
7 Day License Beer, Wine, Grocery & Lottery Sales
Frederick, MD
Waverly, Beer, Wine , Grocery & Lottery Sales Well Established Since About 1989 Ideal...
12/3/2024 Purchase Contract Pending - Beer, Wine, Liquor & Lottery
Frederick, MD
Rare Opportunity In Downtown Frederick To Own A Long Standing 7 Day Class A Liquor,...
Liquor Store for Sale
Frederick County, MD
Great Business Opportunity, Liquor store for Sale in Frederick County MD with $1.9M...
Charming Specialty Food Store w Loyal Clients & Growth Potential
Frederick County, MD
Step into a world of gourmet excellence with this thriving specialty food store,...
Children's Orchard®
Available Nationwide
It is resale reimagined. Children’s Orchard sells gently used name-brand kid’s clothing,...
C Store With Real Estate. Sales $1.2 Million. Cash Flow $128K
Frederick County, MD
Established Convenience Store. 70+ Year Location. Unbranded Gas. Rental Income. No...
Turn Your Passion Into Profits With A Fun and Rewarding Business
Frederick, MD
Imagine waking up every day to a business that fuels your passion and creativity, where...
Pool Construction Company For Sale
Frederick, MD
Well-established pool construction company, pool maintenance, renovations, and retail...
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