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18 FedEx P&D Routes, 24 Delivery Vehicles in Baltimore, MD
Baltimore County, MD
18 FedEx P&D Routes, 24 Delivery Vehicles in Baltimore, MD <br />Highly Desirable Area!<br />Increasing revenue over the last 12 months!<br />Fleet Valued at...
10 FedEx P&D Routes, 10 Delivery Vehicles in Baltimore, MD
Baltimore County, MD
10 FedEx P&D Routes, 10 Delivery Vehicles in Baltimore, MD <br /><br />Highly Desirable Area!<br />Still Experiencing Positive Growth<br /><br />Deal Recap: <br...
8 FedEx Ground Routes - Baltimore, MD - Seller Financing
Baltimore, MD
FedEx Ground Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Ground...
14 FedEx P&D Routes For Sale
Sparrows Point, MD
Summary Overview:<br />Business operates an average of 14 P&D routes per day<br />All...
14 FedEx Ground Routes - Sparrow's Point, MD - Seller Financing
Sparrows Point, MD
FedEx Ground Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Ground...
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