Successful, owner/operator franchise territory for sale
Bethesda, MD
Successful head lice treatment center for sale. Become part of the Lice Lifters family and own an established Bethesda/Rockville, MD territory. This is a very...
Recession Proof Service Business-Franchise
Silver Spring, MD
Dryer Vent Wizard provides professional dryer vent cleaning, system installation, and repair. Among other services, the Franchise offers clog removal, line...
Own an Electric Services Business without changing a bulb
Silver Spring, MD
Now is a great time to get in on this growing electrical services business in Montgomery...
Under Contract!
Rockville, MD
Well-established award-winning real estate and property management company is looking...
Million Dollar Revenue Quality Dry Cleaner: Retail and Delivery Routes
Montgomery County, MD
This is your unique opportunity to own an upscale, well established eco-friendly Dry...
Established and profitable dryer vent business for sale
Silver Spring, MD
Are you ready to become the owner of an established, thriving dryer vent cleaning...
Premier Interior Staging Solutions Business
Gaithersburg, MD
Founding and Evolution: Established in 2014, the business originated from the owner's...
Turnkey Clothes Recycling Bins Business For Sale
Gaithersburg, MD
Turnkey established bin collection and recycling business with 20 bins currently in...
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