A Unique Opportunity To Own A Thriving Restaurant And Nightlife Venue
Silver Spring, MD
A unique opportunity to own a thriving restaurant and nightlife venue in the heart of...
Very busy Restaurant. Bar,and Hookah lounge
Silver Spring, MD
80+- Seat 3000 SF Dining Room and Bar with a 1188 SF separate space for Hookah use ...
Franchised Pizza Store $240k
Silver Spring, MD
Pizza Store at Prime Location! Here is your opportunity to own a profitable Pizzeria,...
Profitable Full Service Restaurant & Bar in Prime Location MRB MD 1458
Silver Spring, MD
High Profit Restaurant and Bar Prime Location Prime location profitable full service...
Pizza Resturant For Sale
Silver Spring, MD
Pizzeria business located on a busy street. $715,000 yearly Sales. Sales on an upward...
21k net, Mo, Seafood, Deli low rent, Montgomery County MD
Silver Spring, MD
Low rent, 5,000. was doing much more before COVID-19. Was 25k month net income. Now...
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