Restaurant with Beer & Wine, Seafood, Hamburgers, Chicken Sandwiches
Acton, MA
EXCELLENT RESTAURANT OPPORTUNITY in ACTON 24 SEATS + PATIO WITH BEER AND WINE Restaurant and market featuring fresh seafood, chowders, hamburgers, and chicken...
Acton-Concord Full-Service Seafood Rest. & Bar W/Prepared Food
Acton, MA
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full-Service Seafood Rest. & Bar W/Prepared Food LOCATION: Concord-Acton Area, heavily traveled Great Road SELLING PRICE: $699,000 ...
Acton Quick-Service Restaurant - Sales $25,000 Per Week!
Acton, MA
High traffic location at busy intersection. Sales $25,000.00 per week. 3,000 sq ft. ...
4-Star Dry-Cleaning (Drop Store) with Professional Tailoring
Acton, MA
The Wall Street Journal and Journal of Accountancy are quoted as saying Dry Cleaning...
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