Japanese Themed Day Spa in unique location
Williamstown, MA
Spa building is 2,000 sq. feet with French doors onto an expansive deck built overlooking the Green River. Screened, shaded areas on deck for outdoor massages in...
High Profitable Korean Restaurant at Williamstown MA
Williamstown, MA
-Rent: $1,650/m -Williams College area (Massachusetts state) -Korean food + Sushi -100% american customers -Catering, To go -Monday off , (tus-sun , 11am~9pm) ...
Sugar & Rye: Turnkey Market and Cafe with Expansion Potential
Sheffield, MA
Sugar & Rye, a vibrant market and deli located on Main Street in Sheffield. This turnkey...
Established Refinishing & Surface Stripping Business with GSA NET 500K
Pittsfield, MA
This highly profitable refinishing and surface stripping company offers multiple revenue...
Profitable Electric Generator Company West of Boston
Berkshire County, MA
The company operates as a provider of commercial generator/power services as well as...
Cash Flow: $864,000
Successful, Turn-key Inn
West Stockbridge, MA
Successful, turnkey inn located in the picturesque village of West Stockbridge, walking...
Established turn-key liquor store
Great Barrington, MA
This successful, established, turn-key liquor store is perfect for anyone looking to own...
Sunoco Gas station with C-store
Berkshire County, MA
Branded Station with a good size convenience store, the station pumps around 45,000...
All-Alcoholic Beverages License Available - Pittsfield, MA
Pittsfield, MA
For Sale: All-Alcoholic Beverages License available in Pittsfield, MA. Perfect for...
Sedona Taphouse
Available in Massachusetts
Serious food and hundreds of craft beers. Proud to be named one of the fastest-growing...
Full Retail Cannabis License for Sale
Pittsfield, MA
Full Retail Cannabis License for sale in the Pittsfield area. Asking $200,000. This is...
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