Full-Service Restaurant/Café/Catering Concept
Middlesex County, MA
Nestled in the heart of a historic town center, this restaurant embodies the quintessential neighborhood restaurant. Everyone knows your name and it is always...
Fast Growing Bartending Service
Boston, MA
With A Twist Events is the nation's largest bartending service with locations in over 30 states, and we're on the way to becoming a well-known national brand....
Mediterranean Commercial Catering Kitchen Business in Boston
Middlesex County, MA
Growing Mediterranean catering kitchen business with a loyal customer base located near Boston. Positioned in a centralized location, the turnkey operation...
Cape Cod * Cosmos Catering * Business & Real Estate
Provincetown, MA
Opportunity Knocks At Cosmos Catering!!! Exceptional opportunity to purchase Cosmos Catering & Event Planning! In a Class of its own, Cosmos Catering boosts over...
Unique Bakery with Frying and Baking Hood at a Nice Location
Waltham, MA
Selling unique Japanese and Korean style bakery items.
Landmark Off-Premise Catering Business Includes Real Estate
Barnstable County, MA
Multiple Award Winner and Market leader for over 30 years with consistent year over year...
Food Trailer in Mint Condition!
Boston, MA
Opportunity to purchase 2019 Freedom trailer kitchen - in excellent condition - gently...
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