Fully equipped Breakfast + Lunch Cafe in Prime Location
Essex County, MA
This locally popular cafe based in an attractive Boston metro town specializes in freshly baked bagels and high-quality sandwiches, complemented by a range of...
Profitable Cafe and Coffee Shop in North Shore, Mass.
Essex County, MA
A local North Shore business founded by a dynamic mother-daughter team, the café is a result of the team's experience and creativity and has a strong alignment...
Haverhill Breakfast / Lunch Restaurant with Easy Hours!
Haverhill, MA
Plaza location with plenty of parking. Sales $4,500.00 per week. 1,200 square feet. 49...
Cafe/Coffee Shop in busy North Shore downtown location
Beverly, MA
Well established coffee shop cafe with loyal and growing customer base. Business...
Established New York Style Deli-SHORT HOURS- Phantom Gourmet Approved
Essex County, MA
This is a great opportunity to acquire a Phantom Gourmet reviewed, approved and...
Busy traffic boba tea, smoothie, ice cream, waffle.
Beverly, MA
Serving variety of boba teas, specialty smoothies, ice cream waffle, juice and drinks....
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