Attractive Restaurant in Newburyport
Newburyport, MA
A terrific opportunity for a working owner/operator! Great location with lots of foot...
Charming Newburyport Restaurant
Newburyport, MA
LOCATION: Newburyport, MA SIZE: Approximately 1,370 square feet, plus a full...
PriceBreak$399k N.Andover FullService/ Bar $22k-$24k ave. wk
North Andover, MA
THE PERFECT BUY ! Turn Key, profitable restaurant w/ plenty of room...
Greek Pizza, VERY LOW RENT, Great for Family or Partners, Established
Danvers, MA
This is a turn-key operation with very "cheap" monthly rent of $2100 ! This is a "covid...
Voted by many for years and years as the best pizza around
Marblehead, MA
Voted by many for years and years as the best pizza around, and is now looking for a new...
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