Highly Profitable ICONIC Cookie Brand - Relocatable
Plymouth County, MA
Highly Profitable ICONIC Cookie Brand which was establish in 1974. The original recipe is from the 17th Century from France. This Iconic Cookie Brand has a cult...
Gourmet Packaged Food Manufacturer - Established Business
Northbridge, MA
Sale includes: -42 products currently being sold -Over 4200 sq ft of state and town-inspected space, including a renovated office, renovated conference room,...
USDA & FDA Food Manufacturer with well known large customers
Middlesex County, MA
This business makes specialty food items that get distributed to customers for retail...
Better for You New England-Based Dessert Company
Suffolk County, MA
This business is a plant-based dessert company, specializing in the manufacturing,...
Distillery - Locally Established Brand With Strong Infrastructure
Local distillery based in scenic Massachusetts, the business is a small batch craft...
Well-Known, Successful, Artisanal Cheese Spread Manufacturer for Sale
Pembroke, MA
Mayflower Natural Foods, Inc., a well-established business specializing in “Spredumms,”...
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