Grocery store w beer/wine/Lottery + Cigar-Smoke license
Burlington, MA
Long time established business running in a strip plaza near the town center Highly visible location in an affluent town on a busy traffic Route 3 Has plenty of...
Beer/Wine Lottery Convenience Store
Dracut, MA
Convenience Store with Beer/Wine & Lottery for Sale! Located in Plaza on busy street connecting Dracut and Lowell. Business sells grocery products, cigarettes,...
Growth Potential Convenience Store !
Malden, MA
Longtime established business. Running on a busy traffic street . Highly visible location in a retail strip having parking for customers Offers groceries,...
Beer/Wine C-store in a town north/west of Boston
Middlesex County, MA
A successful business running on a busy traffic road in a dense neighborhood Free standing building with ample parking for customers Approx. 3000 sqft size...
LIQUOR STORE in Prime Area with Low Rent
Middlesex County, MA
Looking for a profitable business venture? This liquor store offers an incredible opportunity to own a property...
Retail Beer/Wine License for Sale !
Burlington, MA
Retail Beer/wine license for sale in the town of Burlington Currently Business running with grocery store having Beer wine license Seller wants to sale only...
0343 Convinience store
Wakefield, MA
This absentee owner Shop has lots of potential. A small upgrade and improvement of its...
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