Restaurant For Sale - Boston Suburb
Middlesex County, MA
For sale: A well-established 45-seat restaurant located in a prime corner spot in the...
Pizza/Restaurant Business on M. street location 20K -22K week
Shirley, MA
High volume Greek style Pizza & Subs Restaurant. This is a very successful, very busy &...
Profitable boba tea near bustling shopping plaza in Medford.
Medford, MA
Great YELP review of 4.7 stars. This steady cash flow and profitable boba tea is located...
**Deal Pending** Saladworks Franchise
Middlesex County, MA
**Deal Pending** This franchise is a delicious way to eat healthy. Over 60 fresh...
Watertown - Full Service Restaurant with Full Liquor License!
Watertown, MA
High traffic location with plenty of municipal parking. Sales $9,600.00 per week. 2,000...
Acton Quick-Service Restaurant - Sales $25,000 Per Week!
Acton, MA
High traffic location at busy intersection. Sales $25,000.00 per week. 3,000 sq ft. ...
(0336) Cafe
Middlesex County, MA
This cafe has a simple menu and short hours 6AM TO 2PMand is closed Mondays giving it...
Woburn Pizzeria $219K or B.O. Priced to Steal! Ave $15k wk.
Woburn, MA
This Long standing and successful pizzeria is selling for cheap because old age and ...
Long-Standing Restaurant For Sale
Cambridge, MA
Well established sit in and take out restaurant and grill. Mediterranean food. 2...
Teriyaki Madness
Available Nationwide
Our food is addictive and our concept is fresh!
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