Pizza Shop for Sale in Massachusetts
Middlesex County, MA
LISTING ID # 36213 Established Wood Fired Brick Oven Pizza Shop with stellar reviews, top ratings online, and local TV features. Fully equipped with Beer, Wine,...
Busy PIzza Restaurant
Framingham, MA
Looking for a great location in busy downtown Metro-West? This fully equipped restaurant is perfect! Wonderful menu featuring pizza, fresh salads, subs and more....
$17,000 Wk (Greek Pizza )6 Days
Newton, MA
ALL Newer Equipment, 20 Seats Plenty of Parking, Great Location, same Owners for 11 Years. Has a 14 years Lease. Excellent Price
Prime Restaurant & Bar – Middlesex County
Middlesex County, MA
Thriving, well-established restaurant with a loyal customer base and a strong reputation for high-quality food and service. Located on a high-traffic road, it’s a...
Highly Successful Italian Restaurant in Cambridge MA
Cambridge, MA
Turnkey opportunity. Very Profitable. Business 360 Advisors is pleased to offer a well-established Italian restaurant located on a main traffic street in...
Historic Breakfast & Lunch Gem
Wakefield, MA
Step into history with this well-established breakfast and lunch restaurant, proudly recognized as the oldest in town. Currently generating a steady income of...
Tewksbury-Wilmington~~super Popular Pizza Pub
Middlesex County, MA
Pizza/Restaurant Business on M. street location 20K -22K week
Shirley, MA
High volume Greek style Pizza & Subs Restaurant. This is a very successful, very busy &...
Pizza-Wings-Calzones - Ideal Space for any Fast Food Concept!
Wilmington, MA
Plaza location close to office and industrial parks. Sales $5,700.00 per week. 1,200...
Teriyaki Madness
Available Nationwide
Our food is addictive and our concept is fresh!
Woburn Pizzeria $219K or B.O. Priced to Steal! Ave $15k wk.
Woburn, MA
This Long standing and successful pizzeria is selling for cheap because old age and ...
Pizza Restaurant&Bar full liquor for sale in North Chelmsford
North Chelmsford, MA
Well-established great opportunity to own a busy and profitable restaurant/pizzeria/Bar...
High-Volume Fully Built-Out Restaurant – Middlesex County
Middlesex County, MA
Located in a bustling area with high traffic counts and surrounded by well-known...
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