Upscale Salon & Day Spa with Main Street Real Estate
The salon and day spa is innovative and wellness-based, with an established 5-star brand. It operates in its commercial condominium in a renovated...
Popular floatation therapy center for sale
A float tank is a small shallow pool filled with water nearly saturated with Epsom salt, so it's dense like the Dead Sea. You float completely...
Highly Profitable & luxurious Nail Salon & Spa for Sale
Middlesex County, MA
Are you ready to leave your mark in the thriving world of beauty entrepreneurship? Look...
Well-Established Holistic Wellness Spa in Newton
Middlesex County, MA
Holistic wellness spa located in Newton, Massachusetts. Established over 7 years ago,...
Turnkey luxurious Medical SPA
Burlington, MA
• Location, location, location! Turnkey luxurious SPA Offers 1000+ active/repeat...
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