Looking to Own Your Own Salon in 2025
Plymouth County, MA
Owner retiring looking for successor to take over business. Owner will stay on for a smooth transition if needed.
Nail Salon in Boston's Jamaica Plain by Forest Hills
Boston, MA
Large Store Front windows across the street from Forest Hills Tstop. 4 New Luxury Pedicure Chairs complete with foot sinks. 6 Stations for painting nails. Air-...
Highly Profitable & luxurious Nail Salon & Spa for Sale
Middlesex County, MA
Are you ready to leave your mark in the thriving world of beauty entrepreneurship? Look...
Falmouth Hair Salon
Falmouth, MA
REDUCED! Well-established salon with 1,050 square feet in a prime Falmouth location for...
Middlesex County, MA
Nail Salon affluent town location over 10 years in business. 5 manicure stations and 5...
Well-Established Nail Salon in Neeham For SALE
Needham Heights, MA
This is FANTASTIC opportunity to own a well-established Nail Salon !!! For approximately...
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