Profitable Custom Framing Franchise – $98K Profit, Asking $245K!
Wellesley, MA
Seize the opportunity to own a profitable custom framing business with an impressive track record! This FastFrame franchise consistently delivers quality service,...
Long Established Custom Golf Club Store
Norfolk County, MA
Priced to sell quick! Sale comes with a low lease, fully functional shop - at a new great location, long time customers and following and $40,000 in inventory!!! ...
Picture Framing Business
Norwood, MA
This is a great opportunity for someone wanting to start their own custom frame shop or an existing frame shop looking to expand with a minimal investment. ...
Turnkey Opportunity: Established Suit Store for Sale
Norfolk County, MA
This small tuxedo and suit store, thriving for decades, boasts a loyal customer base and a strong reputation for quality, offering a wide selection of tailored...
curdbox, LLC - eCommerce Monthly Cheese & Wine Delivery
Brookline, MA
In 2018 curdbox began as part of curds&co. but in January of 2021 spun off as its own...
curds&co. - Fine Cheese and Wine Shop & School
Brookline, MA
curds&co, located in Brookline, is a local food shop specializing in fine cheese. The...
Leading Boston Area Art Gallery and Frame Shop for Sale
Norfolk County, MA
Nationally-renowned Gallery specializing in Fine Art sales from traditional and...
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