Lucrative Home Inspection Business
Springfield, MA
Fantastic opportunity to own a successful home and building inspection company that's part of an SBA-approved national franchise. The company delivers...
Established Refinishing & Surface Stripping Business with GSA NET 500K
Pittsfield, MA
This highly profitable refinishing and surface stripping company offers multiple revenue streams and tremendous opportunities for expansion. Recently granted GSA...
Western MA Masonry Company
Hampden County, MA
This company has been in business and thriving for 10 years. It's their great customer...
OWNER SAYS SELL!!!! Make $$$$ on day one......
Hampden County, MA
Well-Established, Turn-key, Home Improvement Business - $525,000 NOW ONLY $498,000 ...
Profitable Electric Generator Company West of Boston
Berkshire County, MA
The company operates as a provider of commercial generator/power services as well as...
Cash Flow: $864,000
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