Low Overhead Strategic Add-On Specialty Snack Food
Somerville, MA
This snack company is an innovative food company driven to reduce food waste creatively. They rise above other snack companies by providing customers with an...
Restaurant for Sale/Trendy Asian Concept and Well-Setup Franchise
Somerville, MA
Turnkey Restaurant in Prime Sommerville Location – Ready for Your Vision! Established restaurant with a loyal customer base, known for its authentic flavors and...
Popular floatation therapy center for sale
Somerville, MA
A float tank is a small shallow pool filled with water nearly saturated with Epsom salt,...
Salon and Spa in Assembly Row
Somerville, MA
This is a great opportunity to own an established business located in a bustling,...
Somerville Bar & Grill
Somerville, MA
Attractive Bar & Grill with high ceilings, lots of window exposure and an open kitchen....
Somerville Cafe w/Catering
Somerville, MA
This is an exciting opportunity with an attractive buildout and a high profile location....
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