Pizza & Sub Restaurant!
Worcester, MA
Italian Style - Pizza & Sub Dine-in, Take out and Delivery - Restaurant for Sale. Long Time Established (previous owner 30+ years) Current Owner since April 2023...
Worcester/Shrewsbury Restaurant & Sports Pub W/Full Liquor
Worcester, MA
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Restaurant & Sports Pub W/Full Liquor LOCATION: Worcester/Shrewsbury Area SELLING PRICE: $150,000 / $4.5 M w/Property DOWN...
(0342) Café
Worcester, MA
This attractive MONEY MACHINE is open only Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 3 PM it serves...
Real Estate with Restaurant
Worcester, MA
This sandwich shop has been a staple in the area for years. Full kitchen, walk-in...
Biggest Restaurant business opportunity in Worcester today
Worcester, MA
Incredible opportunity to own your own business or expand your portfolio. This fully and...
The Broadway, a Historic Worcester Establishment
Worcester, MA
The Broadway, a historic 89 seat restaurant has served down-town Worcester and the...
Turnkey Restaurant with Full liquor License in bustling Kelly Square
Worcester, MA
New buildout, turnkey restaurant waiting for your concept. Located in the heart of the...
Premium Gourmet Burger Restaurant for Sale
Worcester, MA
Berkshire Hathaway is pleased to offer this thriving opportunity to own a specialty...
Worcester Pizza Shop
Worcester, MA
Established Pizza shop for sale in Worcester. Consistent sales with upside potential.
Graze Craze
Available Nationwide
If you’ve considered investing in a food franchise, our grazing board business could be...
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