Market with Liquor License in Oakland County
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to acquire a prime market in an excellent location. The property is almost 0.75 acres, on a busy corner surrounded by lakes. There's...
Liquor Store Next To A Manufacturing Plant
Wayne County, MI
This is an excellent opportunity to take over a successful store that's in an up-and-coming area in Detroit. It is located next to a recently updated automotive...
Liquor Store With Real Estate On Busy Highway
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a turn-key liquor store in the Redford Township! The store has been there for over 30 years and has room for improvement. The...
Gas Station in Detroit
Detroit, MI
This is a great opportunity to take over this Gas Station with building and property! This is located on a major well-known busy road with easy access to go in an...
Wayne County Liquor License SDD for Sale
Detroit, MI
Wayne County SDD License for sale. Can be moved anywhere in Wayne County.
Oakland County SDD Liquor License for Sale
Rochester, MI
This Oakland County SDD package liquor license can be transferred anywhere in Oakland...
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