Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Genesee County, MI. Showing instead
Upper Michigan Lumber and Hardware Dealer with Construction Division
This Company has provided construction services, and hardware, lumber and other building materials supply to do-it-yourselfers and contractors in the...
Successful Hardware Store in Desirable NW Michigan *** PRICED TO SELL
*** BUSINESS PRICED TO SELL ***<br />ASKING PRICE 37% BELOW APPRAISED VALUE<br /><br />Rooted in history and bolstered by innovation, this hardware store...
Michigan Lumber and Hardware Store For Sale (Contractor Yard)
Nestled in the vibrant heart of Michigan, a unique business opportunity presents itself for the discerning lumber company entrepreneur. This well-regarded Lumber...
Cash Flow: $324,837
Insulation Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a growing Insulation Company in Suburban Wayne County. Established in 2024, this company is off to a great start and growing...
Hardware Store
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a well-established, very successful community...
Hardware Store
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a well-established, very successful community...
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