Boring, dirty, essential business!! Drain and Sewer Clean outs!
Grand Rapids, MI
Manage the manager! A great place to invest your money without day-to-day commitment. Business is simple yet CRUCIAL! Multiple streams of revenue. Drain and...
Profitable Solar Sales and Installation Company for Sale in Michigan
Grand Rapids, MI
Turnkey Opportunity This company is a solar installer and service provider and Michigan's premier solar innovator, leading the charge in clean energy innovation....
Cash Flow: $334,455
Niche Residential & Commercial Plumbing Service Business
Grand Rapids, MI
This business excels in addressing crucial issues for homeowners and property managers, offering comprehensive services such as drain repairs, cleanings, septic...
Insulation Services - Grand Rapids - Booming & Lucrative
Grand Rapids, MI
Successful Residential & Commercial Insulation business covering Grand Rapids MI and nearby areas. Every home and establishment requires quality insulation,...
Family Owned Remodeling & Building Company
Grand Rapids, MI
A Family-Owned Remodeling & Building Company in West Michigan, transforming homes for 22...
High Gross Profits Company - Property Damage/Restoration
Grand Rapids, MI
A high cash flow, proven and recession-proof “B2B” and “B2Consumer” company is for sale....
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