Heating & Cooling Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to take over this long-established authorized dealer heating and cooling company. The seller started this in 1983 and has done very...
Asset Sale!! Spray Foam Insulation Business
Macomb County, MI
Start your own insulation business or add to your existing business. The seller has acquired all the necessary...
Full-Service Heating and Air Company
Detroit, MI
Here's a remarkable opportunity to acquire a premier HVAC company, serving both...
22 Year Old Commercial HVAC Company For Sale Serving SE Michigan
Long term commercial HVAC business serving SE Michigan. This business has lots of room...
Franchise HVAC Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a Franchise HVAC Company located in Suburban Wayne...
Franchise HVAC Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a Franchise HVAC Company located in Suburban Wayne...
Under LOI - Residential and Light Commercial HVAC Sales and Service
Under LOI - This established and highly profitable HVAC company specializes in...
Cash Flow: $395,000
High Cash Flow HVAC, Plumbing and Electrical Opportunity
Kent County, MI
It’s been a great 20 year run for the owner of this high cash flowing, well established...
Premier mid-Michigan Residential and Commercial HVAC contractor
For over 70 years, this Company has been committed to providing customers quality and...
Fresh Coat Painters
Available in Michigan
Over 166 Fresh Coat owners have taken control of their lives by taking control of their...
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