Slaterville Market - Operating Liquor Store
Lapeer, MI
Operating Liquor Store available for purchase – business, SDD (Specially Designated Distributor) License, and real estate included. The Seller will also consider...
Bar Restaurant that brews their own Beer!
Lapeer County, MI
Great opportunity to take over this unique brewing business in the heart of Lapeer County!! This company serves not only beer, wine, and Liquor but also pizza,...
Absentee Owned - Lapeer County SUBWAY
Lapeer County, MI
What a GREAT Business Opportunity this one is. You can own your very own Subway for an...
Subway Lapeer County w/ Absentee Owner
Lapeer County, MI
What a GREAT Business Opportunity this one is. You can own your very own Subway for an...
3 MILLION in sales Travel Agency
Lapeer County, MI
LOCAL Buyers ONLY for this High-Volume Travel Agency. 3 separate locations. Fully...
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