Motivated Sellers!!! Turn-key Franchise Sports Bar & Restaurant
Adrian, MI
Bruns Realty Group is pleased to present this opportunity to purchase a turn-key sports bar franchise. Frickers describes itself as a family restaurant, a sports...
Bar & Grille "Chomp Burger" Grossing over one million
Adrian, MI
High grossing beautiful Bar and Grille with a "Unique" menu featuring all beef Burgers along with "Bison", "Elk", "Wild Boar" and "Venison Burgers. Serving a full...
Brand new The Original Dave's Cosmic Subs in Adrian, MI and Toledo, OH
Adrian, MI
Two brand new stores recently opened with updated designs and significant investment. ...
Lenawee Class C Liquor License for Restaurants and Bars
Lenawee County, MI
Class C Liquor License & SDM license. Can be used for a bar or restaurant anywhere in...
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