*Liquor Store*macomb County*high Traffic*industrial&residential
Macomb County, MI
Building Now available with land contract through landlord, not included in business Sale Price*WOW LOTS OF POTENTIAL* Liquor store (business & assets sale only)...
Turn-Key Liquor Store
Macomb County, MI
This is a maintenance free turn-key operation. Located in Macomb County on a busy high traffic road. This is an excellent business opportunity for an exceptional...
Liquor store business only
Eastpointe, MI
Don’t pass up this opportunity to take over this Liquor Store that is in a shopping strip center off a major road in Macomb County! This store has been owned by...
Liquor Store in Macomb County
Macomb County, MI
Great opportunity to take over this long and well-established Liquor Store in Macomb County! This store has been completely remodeled from floor to ceiling. ATM...
Liquor Store inside Shopping Strip Center
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to take over this Liquor store in Macomb County! This is located within a shopping center and the store is 2,600 sq ft. This is sold as...
Liquor Store in Macomb County
Macomb County, MI
Liquor Store for Sale - Business Only (Building Not Included) Store Size: 2,200 sq ft Lotto and ATM Commission: $100,000 annually Monthly Sales: Approximately...
Liquor Store with Big Potential -Macomb County
Macomb County, MI
This liquor store is priced as an asset sale. The price of the property and the price of...
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