High Potential Survival Swim School Needs Focused Owner!
Utica, MI
Join one of the nation's fastest-growing swim schools, with a flexible, low-cost format enabling savvy entrepreneurs to succeed quickly. For sale are two...
Banquet Hall & Restaurant
Macomb County, MI
Don’t pass up this opportunity to take over this Banquet Center & Restaurant. This establishment has 26 cameras, dishwasher room, full state of the art kitchen...
Prime Opportunity: Renowned Metro Detroit Audio Recording Studio
Sterling Heights, MI
Founded in 2019, this premier audio recording studio in Metro Detroit offers an excellent opportunity to acquire a well-established business with a strong track...
Banquet Hall
Sterling Heights, MI
Sterling Heights Michigan, Over 24000 SQ FT Banquet Hall with a lot size around 23 Acres. Very rare to find, large hall seats 500+ Guests and there are other...
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