Banquet Hall & Restaurant
Macomb County, MI
Don’t pass up this opportunity to take over this Banquet Center & Restaurant. This establishment has 26 cameras, dishwasher room, full state of the art kitchen...
For sale! A completely turnkey Sushi restaurant with great reviews!
Macomb County, MI
This is a good opportunity to take over a newly established Sushi store in a busy area in Macomb county, MI. You can own an easily managed business with promising...
New Price - Japanese Asian Restaurant
Macomb County, MI
Priced for a change of Venue. Asian Indian, Hispanic, etc. Beautiful build out. Seating...
Sports Bar for Sale on Prime Road!
Macomb County, MI
This is your chance to own a sports bar on a prime road, with a good opportunity for an...
Six-Figure Earnings at this Franchise for Sale in the Detroit Market
Macomb Township, MI
Are you ready to embark on the journey of business ownership? Look no further than...
Fried Chicken Carry-Out
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a newer Fried Chicken Carry-Out Restaurant in Macomb...
Asian - American - Middle Eastern etc.
Warren, MI
Why rent. Purchase the real property with a full scale turn key restaurant included. The...
Macomb County Class C Liquor License!
Sterling Heights, MI
Macomb County Class C Liquor License is available and can be moved anywhere in Macomb...
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