Step Into Success: Great Opportunity
Macomb, MI
Great Opportunity To Add Any Concept
Quick Serve Restaurant With Drive Thru
Clinton Township, MI
Purchase the Restaurant site and let it be your next location with a Drive Thru. If this franchise concept is not for you and you are looking for a new location...
Turnkey Takeout Restaurant Opportunity on Busy Van Dyke Avenue!
Shelby Township, MI
Seize the opportunity to own a modern, well-equipped takeout restaurant in a prime...
Mediterranean Restaurant
Warren, MI
Mediterranean Restaurant for sale business and Equipment and Good Will, Very well...
Meat Market for sale
Sterling Heights, MI
Meat market for sale Complete Succseesuful meat market for sale Same owner for 7...
Fried Chicken Carry-Out / Price Reduction!
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a Fried Chicken Carry-Out Restaurant in Macomb...
Bakery / Reduced Price!
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a long-established Bakery in Macomb County....
SDM License (Beer & Wine)
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to buy an SDM (Beer & Wine) License in the Macomb...
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